Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Question bout my skin care routine?! If u answer, u would be a big help =)?

I have very oily skin and acne prone skin.

I bought Clinique acne foam cleanser and the oil-free moistuizer.

I didnt buy the toner because I thought i could subsitute witch hazel since its an astringment and i saved $15

heres my routine for everyday:

cleanse with clinique acne foam cleanser

tone with the witch hazel

moistruizer with the oil-free moistruzier

will this b ok? will it control my oily skin too? thx!
Question bout my skin care routine?! If u answer, u would be a big help =)?
Yeah, that should be as good as you can get really :)

If your skin is still too oily, there is medication that can help... i dunno how expensive it is over there, but in the UK my brother is on some tablets and they seem to help a lot.

All i can say is to make sure you go easy on your skin. Don't scrub hard or pull your skin when you are washing, drying or using cotton pads.

Be gentle.

Otherwise you will just irritate your skin and it will produce more oils and possible go red.
Question bout my skin care routine?! If u answer, u would be a big help =)?
Use an astringent called witch hazel once a day. Splash it on lightly but not too close to eyes, and then rise good with water. I guarantee after a few weeks it will work.
Reply:honestly I have never tried the productsby clinque. Are they mild? Often that is why people are breaking out is because they are over scrubbing. Witch hazel never helped me. I have known several people didnt finally get better sin until they a)started using proactive B) started just using a bar of normal bar of dove and no astringents or spot treatments or grew out of it. Using alcohol based products or drying products on your face can often make it oilier.
Reply:Based on my experiences, do not mix products with different brand name on your face, particularly during skin care process. I mean it is OK for make up.

Because products from one company keeps some consistency within which is designed to maximum their positive effects and minimum negative effects.

Also using products from different companies may cause some conflict effects that will potentially cause your skin problem.

My advice:

Keep using products from one company at one time!

I would be happy to talk with you about skincare. I am a beauticontrol rep. They have some awesome products,please email me. or view site

this has changed my skin and fast.

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