ok im a 13 yr old girl and i have pretty bad skin
i have a ton of black and white heads
a few pimples on my nose, and dryish skin, but im allergic to lotion
what can i do to clear up my skin?
in time for christmas hopefully, but even if it takess longer tell me
I really want better skin by Christmas?
I can help!
. First of all, make sure you use an acne facial system. Try clinqiue's acne system. They have the best products ever and they actully work. And the best part about them is there not that expensive at all. Plus there high quality products and a little goes a long way! www.clinqiue.com or www.macys.com If you have really sensative skin try using anything that contains aloe in it. the body shop has aloe cleansers and stuff. www.thebodyshop.com
. For a natural homemade facial scrub, try mixing a handful of oatmeal with water and gently scrubbing your face with it. This helps to remove the dead skin cells that build up on your face. It may sound a bit weird to put oatmeal on your face but it really works. And its a gentle alternative to some of the harsh proudtcs out there that can make your skin even worse.
. When you do get a pimple dab a bit of visine on it to make the redness go away. Visine is a eye soultion that is made to get the red out of bloodshot eyes. It is very cheap (about a dollar) and is sold almost at every drugstore you go to. It may sound weird putting a product for eyes on your face but it actully works to calm the infection and reness of your pimple.
. You may have heard the thing about putting toothpaste on your pimple. That is one of the oldest in the book. it does work but it tends to be a bit drying. You could use toothpaste. Make sure it is the pastey kind and not the gel, the paste works alot better. Also one with proxide works great to dry the oils out of it. Try crest baking soda and peroxide toothpaste sold at most durgstores. Or if you have very dry skin try a special cream made just for on the spot acne, its less drying than toothpaste. Try Mary kay's acne treatment gel. $ 7.00 at www.marykay.com It works wonders and in just 1 night your face is cleared up. And is so affordable!
. For an acne fighting mask, mix up one egg, honey, oatmeal and some acne gel in a bowl. Then spread on to a clean face and let sit for about 10 minutes to really let the mask do its job. Then wash it off with a warm never hot washcloth. Your skin will feel better already!
. What ever you do, do not use achocol on your face unless you have absolutley out of control acne. This is usually the cause of acne. It drys out your skin so bad that your skin producs more oil to moisterize itself becuase it is not getting to oil it needs from a moisterzer. Resulting in zits everywhere!
. I found that taking vitamen c vitamens work wonders for acne prone skin. Vitamen c is the top leader when it comes to bright and lifley skin without a pimple in sight. They sell them a most of drugstores and are very cheap.
. Always make sure you wash all your makeup off before going to sleep. When you sleep your skin regenerates itself and it can't complete that process with makeup on it.
. Eating healthier can improve the look of your skiin. Also, Drink lots of water. If your not a water person you could try buying a flavored drink mix like crystal lights and mix it in a water bottle. Water detoxiys and flushs all the toxins out of your skins system. Also anything with pomagrante in it will help clear up skin.
. to get rid of blackheads and white heads try using a scrub for blackheads. It gets rid of both.
If this isn't enough, try googling it.
I hope i helped you! Good luck! And remember, don't let something as small as a pimple ruin your day! =)
I really want better skin by Christmas?
I would go to a dermatoligist of possible. Or as the rents for a facial (they will do extractions and suggest products etc). If you have oily skin a homemade oatmeal mask may help (regular oatmeal no flavors and leave on skin for 5 min. wash off with cold water to tighten poors).
Reply:you could try taking 2 q-tips and popping your white heads if your that desperate.
OR to treat your skin-
take some hot hot water and a face towel or a cotton ball and press it over the desired area you want to treat. Leave it on until the water in the face towel/cotton ball doesnt feel really hot anymore. Then repeat as many times desired.
For your dry skin, you could try baby oil? it will put a bit more moisture in your face
drink a LOT of water!!
this will help!
Reply:I know exactly how you feel, hun. It's okay, it gets better. I'm 14 and I had the same problem. i went to my doctor and got a perscription for this face wash. It helped SO much!!! I had to clear up my skin cuz I'm a working model and yeah, the skin didn't help, but i'm all clear now! So go to your doctor and ask about it. Good luck!!!! :)
Reply:go to the doctor, this is the only way that you will see results
Reply:Get your mom to take you to a dermatologist. If you cant do that then I recommend a finding a good skin cleansing product. Clinque has a great line and you could go to their counter and get one of the ladies there to help you find the best one for you. I would also drink lots of water, lay off of chocolate and too many sweets. But the best thing for good skin is a good cleaning regimen ...you need to do in the morning and at night. Give this a try and I think you will start to feel better about your skin. And its a good habit to get in to doing....
I hope this helps ~~
Good Luck ! and Merry Christmas ~
Reply:awww,, THE fastest most effective way to get rid of black heads,, is to get a facial at a spa =[ A personal treatment facial will get rid of your black heads, remove the dirt in pimples and moisturize you skin XD AT first it will get red but after a couple of days it will start cleariing up. ALL he bacteria on your face will dissapear! I Definately have sensitive skin as well, try to find a simple moisturizor,for sensitive skin.
Facials are a tad pricy, but you can always find a local hairdressing school that gives services that students do, FOR MUCH CHEAPER. DONT hesitate. * to get rid of white heads, you just simply need to go buy some nose strips and read instructions*
-- bonne chance :)
Reply:eatnig well helps. if you eat a lot of fats and sugars try replacing those with veggies instead.
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