Monday, March 15, 2010

Could my GF get skin cancer by doing this?

She is 16, and just a normal white skin fair skinned or dark skinned....but she gets REALLY dark in the summer, I mean many many shades darker, its like a super tan....she puts sun block on all the time to stop the UV rays....she is a life gaurd at a this bad for her?
Could my GF get skin cancer by doing this?
Yes, what she's doing is pretty risky to say the least.

Could my GF get skin cancer by doing this?
Any direct sun is bad for you. not just tanning beds.
Reply:yea! have her check for any moles etc

Here's a good website for everyone. :)

to be happy ,she will be ok
Reply:the sun is never safe. but if she applies a lot of sunscreen, thats the best she can do.
Reply:Consult a doctor... FAST! It may result to skin cancer. :(
Reply:Anyone could get skin cancer if they don'y put on sunblock but if she is she will be fine. Just make sure she always puts it on and since shes in the sun all day she must re-apply probably every 2-4 hrs. She may be getting very tan because she doesn't re-apply and if she can she should try and wear a hat.
Reply:well, too much sun aint good but if she protects herself with sun block i think she is doing her best. perhaps she is genetically able to tan better than the rest of us. ask a doctor, maybe a higher spf or something. or buy her a sun umbrella and she can be in the shade thoughout the day.
Reply:yeah, its rreally bad for her skin. Make sure she uses at least 15 or 30 spf that blocks UVA and UBV rays. reapply every hour or 2, and after getting a tan put on regular lotion, to replinish the moisture lost when tanning.
Reply:Yes.. she should get an umbrella to protect her from the sun while working.

Not only could she get cancer, but she could look like this when she gets to be 40:
Reply:Yes it's bad for her. She should lay a towel across her thighs and shoulders at ten minute intervals.
Reply:any sun exposure is bad. Studies show that 80 percent of cancer causing rays are exposed to us before we hit the age of 18. Sunblock or not. Spf 30 means she has 30 minutes before she is exposed to cancer causing rays. So if she wants to get paid for getting cancer and looking like a handbag before the age of thirty, I'd tell how dangerous it is. Sun exposure is the largest of cause of premature aging.
Reply:it is not good... but not that bad, because if her skin can get darker, it means her skin has natural protection, besides, she uses sun block... so dont worry too much about that...
Reply:dont worry, shes life guard, that means shes trained. she knows what shes doing.

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